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Desire to Know
Dr. Jane Goodall

Canada Needs Global Warming

| Modified 23 Feb, 2016 | Views 2869

The whole of Canada has been buried under one mile of ice for periods of around 90,000 years at a time.

Canada Needs Global Warming to Survive

Canada's position with regard to global warming contrasts very markedly with most of the rest of the world.

For the last few million years a regular, rhythmic series of ice ages has occurred, during which the whole of Canada, including the coastal areas, has been buried under one mile of ice for periods of around 90,000 years at a time, before then becoming habitable for a relatively brief warm period of 10,000 years or so (called an interglacial period ), before another long ice age then commences.

The last time Earth was free of ice was more than 34 million years ago, in the Eocene epoch. Alligators swam in Arctic swamps. But the planet slowly cooled as carbon dioxide rained from the air and was locked up in seafloor sediments. Continental ice sheets formed first in Antarctica, but over the past few million years they’ve repeatedly surged across northern continents too. We’re living in a warm interglacial period—20,000 years ago Chicago, New York, and London were buried under ice.[3]

According to the Milankovitch [1] graphs, which agree very closely with the Vostok ice core graphs from the Antarctic, the present interglacial is about at an end, and the next ice age is extremely imminent.[2]

If Canada is to survive, she must stave off this ice age—and can only do so by pumping vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. This will of course mean a complete polar cap melt with sea levels rising by over 200 feet, which will cost Canada her coastal cities --- but the alternative is appalling to contemplate ... the complete loss of the entire country under a mile of ice for the next 90,000 years.

This situation has elicited the response that global warming will result in a runaway greenhouse effect, but it should be noted in this respect that during the Cretaceous period there were no polar caps, sea levels were over 200 feet higher than now,[3] and average year-round temperatures on Baffin Island, which was at the same latitude then as now, were +25C with no sign of any runaway effects.

Canada's leaders have been expected to go along with the different concerns of warmer countries. And so far, inexplicably, they have actually done so, in complete deference to their country's own fate as a result of their anti-global-warming regimes and despite the fact that these warmer countries have expressed no concern whatsoever at Canada's critical position as the present interglacial draws to an end.

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1. Milankovitch Cycles -
2. Historical Carbon Dioxide Record from the Vostok Ice Core -
3. National Geographic -
4. Wikipedia -





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