Desire to Know
Dr. Jane Goodall
Mass Bird Kill at Wind Farm
2 Dec, 2015 | Modified 21 Feb, 2016 | Views 2324
More than 500 bird deaths occurred in a single incident at wind farm.
Mass Bird Kill at Laurel Mountain Wind Farm Highlights Wind Energy Impact
Wind turbines are considered a green energy source but it seems oversights are creating a decidedly negative environmental outcome. More than 500 bird deaths occurred in a single incident at the AES Laurel Mountain wind farm near Elkins, West Virginia, USA.
This isn’t the first incident where lights being left on at wind farms has resulted in large numbers of birds and bat deaths. In fact this will be the third bird kill involving lights being left on at wind farms in West Virginia alone. Just a week earlier 59 birds and 2 bats were killed at NedPower’s Mount Storm wind farm where a wind turbine was reported to have lighting left on overnight.