Desire to Know
Dr. Jane Goodall
What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change
5 Nov, 2015 | Modified 5 Nov, 2015 | Views 2901
What about carbon dioxide, the great villain of the Global Warming alarmists? Where does that fit in to this picture? Not as neatly as you might think.
What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change
Patrick Moore, co-founder of GreenPeace
Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. Patrick Moore explains why “climate change,” far from being a recent human-caused disaster, is, for a myriad of complex reasons, a fact of life on Planet Earth.
The only constant ... is change.
That's true about life. And it's true about the climate. The climate has been constantly changing since the earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago.
For example, in just the past 2000 years, we have seen the Roman Warm Period, when it was warmer than today ... Then came the cooler Dark Ages ... Followed by the Medieval Warm period, when it was at least as warm as today ... Then we had the Little Ice Age -- that drove the Vikings out of Greenland. And, most recently, a gradual 300-year warming to the present day. That's a lot of changes. And, of course, not one of them was caused by humans.
During the past 400,000 years there have been four major periods of glaciation -- meaning that vast sheets of ice covered a good part of the globe -- interrupted by brief interglacial periods. We are in one of those periods right now. This is all part of the Pleistocene Ice Age which began in earnest two and a half million years ago. It's still going on, which means that we are still living in an ice age. That's the reason there's so much ice at the poles. Thirty million years ago the earth had no ice on it at all.
So, then, what about carbon dioxide, the great villain of the Global Warming alarmists? Where does that fit in to this picture? Not as neatly as you might think.
Video at PragerU: