Antarctica is growing not shrinking, the latest satellite records show.">
Desire to Know
Dr. Jane Goodall
Evidence global warming is Not Real
6 Nov, 2015 | Modified 6 Nov, 2015 | Views 3173
Antarctica is growing not shrinking, the latest satellite records show.
MELTDOWN MYTH: Antarctic ice growing is just the first EVIDENCE global warming is NOT REAL
Antarctica is growing not shrinking, the latest satellite records show.
You might think this would be great news for all those scientists who have been warning us over the last few years about the impending horrors of “man-made global warming” but in fact they are not happy about it, not one bit.
That is because along with the polar bears, the glaciers, the drowning Pacific islands, the rising sea levels and so on the Antarctic has become one of the main characters in the great global warming scare story.
But the Antarctic has always been a bit of a problem for the alarmists. Unlike with the floating ice caps around the North Pole, which really did look for a time like they were vanishing (though they have since staged a recovery), the evidence for Antarctic ice loss has never been strong.
All the scare stories you have ever read about the Antarctic concern one of the few relatively accessible parts: the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Or at least they did until last year when the University of Texas discovered that the more likely cause of this melt, which has been going on for 20,000 years by the way, was the geothermal heat from all the volcanoes sitting underneath it.